Historic Racing Sports Car Club

NZFMR – Important Dates

Important dates and numbers to remember for the NZFMR:

  1. We will be racing on the first weekend, being 16, 17 and 18 January
  2. Entries CLOSE on 1st December, 2014
  3. The entry fee will be $340.00 incl. GST
  4. Garage spaces are available on first in first served and cost $185.00 incl. GST
  5. Practice is available on the Thursday afternoon prior, from 12:30pm
  6. Scrutineering and documentation can be done from Thursday afternoon, from 12:30pm
  7. There are only 37 grid slots available

Entries will be on www.motorsportentry.com, but interest of entry can be lodged by filling out this form which will be directed to Jim Barclay (if I code it right!!)


    NZFMR Race Class Entering (required)

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Location (required)

    Car Number (required)

    Car Make (required)

    Car Model (required)

    Engine Size

    Car Colour

    In Need of a Garage? (required)

    Yes please!!No thanks 🙂


    nzfmr howden ganley